
I’m Tameya (Ta-Me-Ya) also known as Meya! Born and raised in Milwaukee, WI(Midwest Gal), currently residing in Dallas, TX, Nigerian and God’s favorite- a good mix of everything! I’m also Oprah’s successor( manifest!) and a good time when I’m fed. Food is my 2nd love! My voice is strong and holds weight which is why I know for sure my calling is to use it to help others.

Growing up, Fashion & Beauty has always been a passion a mine. I started playing in makeup at the age of 9 and was fascinated by the way all of the women in my family dressed. Everything was flawless. Hair laid, outfits killing, stylish and custom. Yes, custom! My aunt made majority of my sisters and I clothes so we’ve been rocking custom pieces since the age of 3! Hah!

Through the years, I noticed Black women were particularly underrepresented in the Fashion & Beauty sector which lit a fire in me to make it my mission to change that narrative by showing my sense of style in every space I occupied. During this time, I had recently started working in Corporate America and experienced many trials simply because I was a Black women. A new level of strength was unlocked because there was no one who looked like me to help me navigate some of the experiences I was having. I wanted to become what I needed which is why I truly believe I lived through certain experiences in my career to be a voice of change for other Black women. God would have it no other way!

I started The Meya T Network as a way for me to share my journey of overcoming self-doubt, micro aggressions within the workplace, lack of confidence and fear to the latest Fashion and Beauty tips. My mission in this life is to use my voice to advocate, uplift and inspire Black Women to live authentically and intentionally as themselves in every facet of their life. I hope this blog reassures you of all of that and evokes a bit of laughter and joy along the way!


-Meya T.